Anxiety comes in many forms, be it an intense concern for cleanliness, extreme discomfort in social situations, a fear of heights or an ongoing sense of worry that can even include panic attacks. Some amount of anxiety can be motivating (job interviews, skydiving etc.) but anxiety becomes a problem when it interferes with the things we want or need to get done.
Anxiety responds very well to cognitive behavioral therapy as we work on identifying the specific thoughts that arise before and during an anxious feeling. Once the thoughts are brought to awareness, we have the power to form arguments against the thoughts and practice thinking differently. This practice in addition to focusing on finding physical relaxation techniques that work for you set a course for greater control over worry. With practice, anxiety tends to lessen over time.
For more information about anxiety disorders, please visit WebMD.
I'm happy to meet with you for a free consultation to help determine the extent of your anxiety and possible supports.